Friday, July 24, 2009

It is enough

It is a beautiful rainy morning
I just got up from my bed
Wondering the secrets of this universe
With a cup of tea in my hand
I observe small birds out of my window
They hum pleasurably
They seem to be the happiest in the world
I ask myself why it is
It is because they are not jealous at their peers
They are not lazy to search for their food
They are not worrying for those they don’t have
They are not worried about their status
They feel enough at their present life
This is why they are happy and we are not
I got my answer
This rainy morning has given me a thought
‘What I have only is enough for me’


  1. Only when we say that ‘what we have is enough’ are we able to enjoy this moment. That is when we begin to feel peaceful. That is when we begin to notice the little things of beauty in our lives.


  2. Yes I agree with what you have said. The true happiness starts when we begin to notice little things. Relaxing in a beach or enjoying the beauty of flowers and the environment will give peace inside us.
