Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What makes us to smile?

It is very rare a person smiles at a peer nowadays. People thing that they are losing something when they smile. Honestly how many us know the name of the very nearest neighbor of our home? There are incidents where we remember the face of a person but not who he is. It makes an argument inside us whether to smile at that person or not? At most situations, he also will be in the same problem. This is the reality that we gained with our modern life styles. Man in this current global village smiles only when he gets money and anything that selfishly satisfy him. But if we ask ourselves that is it the exact joyfulness of our life? No. Then what makes us to smile? There is a thing than money that decides our joy and life. It all depends on a person’s mind set. One can even make breakfast happily with a cup of porridge. But some are not. One can study with a diminishing lamp. Others are not. One can enjoy the nature. Some are not. Similarly one can smile with pain while others are not.