Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Human clonig?

Animal cloning has shown excellent advances and recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has achieved success in cloning an embryo successfully. A sheep, named Dolly, was the world’s first cloned mammal and we have come a long way since then. And now, the reality of human cloning may be just about in a corner, although not like what people feared ten years ago.

Generally, skin cells have DNA which is necessary to make another person in cloning method. When cloning these skin cells, the DNA is made to undergo several physical changes. These physical changes have an impact of turning off lot of genes which are not used to make a skin of person.

Very recently, the Roslin Institute scientists had shown that it was very easy to destroy the physical changes by putting the stem cells in to an egg. As I mentioned earlier, cells are made to undergo various physical changes and made to lose several genes. These physical changes trigger the hereditary nature of the cells. But, by putting it into an egg, it becomes very easy to remain the potential of those particular cells.

The above technique is the way in which Dolly was “made”. There were no positive reports that suggested same possible result for human cloning, until 2004. There were various successes in animal cloning method. So people started to believe in the possibility of human cloning. But the reports of human cloning did not reveal any concrete results. It reduced the hope of human cloning and there came about a general revulsion of all victories of animal cloning amongst the people.

However, in 2004, Korean scientists claimed that they had successfully cloned a human embryo. But, their report turned turned out to be false. They had not tried to make a cloned baby. They had made a cloned embryo in an attempt to make an embryonic stem cell.

A cloned person will have the same features of the person who gave the skin cell. This is called as “Promise of tailor made stem cell”. That means a cloned human would be the duplicate of the person who gave the cell. Any how, it leads to a big legal issue. Even now, it is prohibited to elaborate brands which have same logos. In view of that, would it be acceptable to make a human with cent per cent same features? It makes a perception that it is an illegal, unethical and an invention against the order of nature.

One main roadblock of cloning is that it is difficult to overcome the shortage of human eggs. If the scientists can control the above-mentioned problem, then it would be a step towards cloning humans. But, it is difficult to solve this problem. This is because there is a doubt whether young women will endow their eggs needed for research. Even if they do they agree, they might expect to millions and billions of dollars in return.

California is spending more than 3 billion dollars on the research of human cloning and stem cell. However, it is also a fact that there is a huge obstacle posed by the presidents of several countries, especially by Bush.

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