Mr. Puppy is a popular street dog in a well known city (For security purposes I didn’t mention the city’s name). Here are some opinions from Mr. Puppy’s point of view.
Inter: Are you comfortable with your current place where you are staying?
Mr. Pup: Yeap it is pretty ok. I am staying near to a huge wastages bin in the main town of city. Other than the nosiness of it, we are quiet comfortable.
Inter: I think you meant your family by saying ‘we’. How many members are there in your family?
Mr. Pup: Well; we are four including myself, my wife and our 3 kiddies.
Inter: Don’t you find difficulties in getting food nowadays?
Mr. Pup: We are the ones who eat more than six times a day. Eventhough your people (humans) are not even bothering to give foods for us; they are very good at wasting things. Throwing an expensive food item becomes a way of showing their status. I and my kiddies never went to pizza hut. But of course we are receiving pizzas in our home (place near to dust bin) every day.
Interviewer gets jealous with Mr. Puppy. Anyhow he continues the interview.
Inter: I guess you are much angry with humans. So I just want to know what you think of them.
Mr. Pup: Should I really mention it here?
Inter: Why not?
Mr. Pup: In my point of view humans is the worst race in this planet. We (dogs) and other animals were happy in forests. Humans like you caught us for your convenience and made us as your slaves. We lost our freedom, happiness and other good behaviors that belong to us only.
Inter: What are those good behaviors that belong to you only?
Mr. Pup: When we were in forests, we were known only as ‘dogs’. We didn’t have any discrepancies among us. But when you started to dominate us, you divided us into different casts. And of course this man domination has strongly influenced our race. Think of those rich Alsatians. They don’t even bother to say hi at us. Your status fever has arrived to our people also. Of course your characteristics such as ‘eating without working’, ‘cheating others’ also have strongly influenced us.
Inter: So you are saying that your society had communism and after you dominated by men only you got these inequalities?
Mr. Pup: Absolutely right. But there are youth who like to breathe the air of freedom. A day will come when we gain all our ‘dog rights’. We will go to forests again. There we can live like exactly what we wish to. I mean our society will have freedom, communism etc.
Inter: ok. Thanks Mr. Puppy.
(Interviewer gets shivering. He immediately finishes the interview with just an intention of escaping from the situation)