Thursday, August 27, 2009

War literatures and heroism

Literatures are the mirrors of Ages. A literature which was written in a specific decade would reflex the norms of that decade. War literatures become more important seeing that to they say us what happened during wars. But when a war becomes to the form of literature, there is a possibility of overvaluing the truths and hiding the realities. The researchers who are against to war literatures argue that most of the war literatures only talk about the political side of the wars and are forgetting to look at the normal mass side. It is true to some extend because most of the war literatures talking about the political changes that took place during wars and murders occurred to big political heads. The reason here would be; it is very easy to analyze and focus on a well known topic and therefore is stimulating arguments supportive and against to the topic. So it gives a healthy view on researchers’ and literatures’ view. The main weakness with ‘war literatures’ is that they forget to focus on the normal mass society. Everyone forgets that mass society is only get more affected by wars. Thamima Anam’s ‘Golden Age’ is one novel that focuses on mass side of Afghanistan war. This novel is based on the real stories occurred in middle class families during the Afghan war. Traditional Indian Tamil literatures talk more about ‘wars and brave ’. They combine wars and brave. According to Indian Tamil literatures, if a son had died in a war, his mother first looked for which part of his body was injured. Injuring in the chest was used as a symbol of brave for soldiers. Tamil Literatures illustrate ‘A soldier who gets injured in the back part of body’ as less heroic and ashamed to had him as a force. Anyhow according to my view, war literatures somewhat encourage wars as they are written with a purpose of researching them in future. Most of the war literatures exemplify war dominators as heroes. When a person who is in his early years gets reading it, he thinks up the war dominator as his role model and is further stimulating heroism in wars. So researchers and writers should write books based the impacts occurred to mass society during wars. It might be about refugee life or the persons who became physically challenged to continue their life or is about the psychological impacts. Writers and researchers of this generation should make war literatures as a mean to discourage wars and should not stimulating heroism on it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why mother is the best?

Ram would be the leader if there is an organization against mothers. He never liked and never going to like his mother. Simple reason is; his mother is too ugly. She looks like a savage. He never wanted to say her as his mother.

Now he has a serious doubt about who really loves him. He just wants to know how much of price others have fixed to him. Ram has created a lie to know it.

He goes near to his son who is about six years:

‘My dear, I need a kidney urgently. Doctor advised me to not postpone it and if I do so, I will meet my demise. You have two kidneys. Can you give one for me?’

Son thinks seriously and says: ‘Dad, I feel really sorry for you. But I am scared to give you my kidney. It will pain. In case if I miss you, I will ask mum to give me another dad who will buy a lot of toys and chocolates to me.’

Ram shocks but realizes his son is just six years old and he doesn’t know the seriousness of it.

He goes and asks the same with his best friend.

‘Oh buddy, I don’t want to miss you. I will give you ten thousand dollars. You can get some money from your wife also. I would consider giving a kidney if I didn’t have a family. I feel sorry for that I couldn’t help you further.’

Ram says the same lie to his wife.

‘Darling, I want you. But if I give you one kidney, I will loose my pretty. I will pay for you. Buy a kidney at any high price from someone who you know.’

Ram is still not satisfied. He doesn’t like to ask it from his mother. Anyhow he wishes to get her opinion also. He knocks the mother’s room door. Mother wonders at him as he never came into her room. Ram has almost decided she will obviously say no.

‘Mum, I know you won’t help me. But I need a kidney. If not I will die soon. Will you ever consider offering me one?’ Ram says.

‘My dearest son, I will give anything for you. You don’t have to hesitate about it’. Mother replies.

Ram shocks. He didn’t expect this from her. He feels bad first time in life for hated her.

‘My son, I want to tell you one thing that you don’t know. I feel glad to give you the only one kidney that I have. I know you hate me because of my bad looking. Our family had no mean to survive after your dad’s death. I had no choice. I knew nothing. In that time, I met a person who needed a kidney. I gave one of mine to him for money. I got enough money from him. So I could easily make you to study well. Now also I am glad giving you the other. I hope you will be not angry with me now’

Mother is the best in the world. You might have other relations. You might love someone but the only person who always loves you is your mother.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Love & Friendship Today

James and Sam were the best friends in school. Friendship grew in the university also. James was interested in fashion designing and Sam was interested in textile science. They thought they can’t study in different universities. So both joined in the same university and then after they went interviews together. It took time for them to realize that they can’t get jobs in a same company. They didn’t worry for that. They started a business in clothing & fashion designing.

James and Sam Company grew rapidly. They became the best in the industry. TV channels and magazines started to talk about their business and friendship. They started to give tips on how can you strengthen your friendship. They became role models of friends.

All I mentioned above is before they met Jancy.

Jancy was too pretty. She was the most popular model in the industry. Both guys started to chase behind her. Both friends wanted to marry her. But this time, they didn’t want to marry the same girl. Fight had started between those best friends. They decided to give Jancy the choice to select one of them.

They went and asked it to her.

‘Guys, both of you are handsome. I don’t mind even if you want me to marry both. Both of you have too much of money, popularity and handsome. But it is better you guys go and let your love to my would-be who is Smith’. She replied.

They shocked. But still they didn’t want to miss her. They went and asked it with Smith.

‘Guys you are really smart. I am also bored of Jancy. It is better both of you get marry her. You are best friends. So don’t fight for her. I have another choice. I can continue with my x girlfriend. So take my best wishes.’ Smith replied.

Small story that you are reading is real. But remember it is not suitable for everyone. Anyhow this is an absolute example for today’s love and friendship.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spirit of writing

I know writing is enjoyable and it is one way of expressing moods. When I am happy, I write joyfully. When I get angry, my writings blame someone. At times I feel it is very hard to think about a specific topic and write on it. The reason for this would be: I need a good mood to write. So it is not possible always I write in a good way . But a good writer can write at any occasion (Not suitable for me). That’s why a lot of people had written books when they were in prisons. They don’t need a specific mood to write. They just write what they feel at the moment when they start writing. I am just mentioning a statement that I read in a book here ‘A good writer doesn’t look for a topic to write on it. He writes his thoughts in a way he likes firstly and then only he puts a heading on it’. But it becomes unpractical nowadays. Writers are given a specific topic and asked to write on it. Most hard part here is that they are given a word count for it. At times they are asked to write large topics such as cloning, Spacecraft science within just five hundred words. The main disadvantage here is the important points will be left untold. Anyhow it is a good practice if a writer learns to limit his writings within a specific word count. So the readers will not get bored of it. Anyhow it is true mood is the spirit of writing. Mood decides on the success of the writing. When a writer writes with good mood, he can easily say the message to the audience.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Inferiority complex Vs reality

This piece may confuse you. You might wonder what relationship is there between inferiority complex and reality. Yes. Inferiority complex occurs when you are shamed at you. So you may undervalue yourself. When you have inferiority complex, you feel you can’t do anything. Then your talents get wasted. You are ashamed to be you. You feel your life is wasted. You find difficulties in seeing others’ faces. Your eyes start to look down. You get fear to talk looking at the other person’s eye. This is absolutely inferiority complex. But realizing yourself does not come in to this category. Most people get confused of whether they have inferiority complex or real approximation about themselves. Accepting the weaknesses as it is doesn’t lead to inferiority complex. It further helps you to make an understanding about you. A real approximation about yourself makes you to not wasting time in things which you find difficulties. On the other hand, real approximation makes you to illuminate in the fields in which you are interested in. So don’t get confused of inferiority complex and reality.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hunger for entrepreneurship

We are living in a competitive Age. Younger generation mostly prefers to take entrepreneurship other than working for others. The main reasons for this would be; they don’t need to look for other organizations to pay for them and also no need to limit the life within a monthly salary. Anyone who wants to make a challenge towards progress in life would prefer to become an entrepreneur. At the current era, it is called as ‘ontrepreneurship’. Most guys who had a hunger to become entrepreneurs found the main boundary for their dream was money. But online resources have made a solution for those who were financially vulnerable to start a business. Especially journalism was the field where students found huge difficulties in getting suitable job after completing their studies. But ‘Journalism entrepreneurship’ becomes more popular among media students nowadays. I just got to know News University offers an online course on ‘journalism entrepreneurship’. Journalism students are taught on how to become entrepreneurs. But here the most essential part is being innovative and creative. Why your publications are going to be important if you are just doing the same thing that others are doing? It is true every one will not want to be entrepreneurs. Guys who hate to be entrepreneurs say it is something like paying to buy a headache. In their point of view, they just want to work for well branded companies and getting top positions soon. It might be a true view for those who prefer to be white collared and well respected. But entrepreneurship gives its own privileges. Simple logic behind it would be ‘higher the risks higher the benefits’.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The gifts

This is a cloudy afternoon. I feel quiet pleasure looking at the drizzles standing near to my room window. Today the sun seems to be quiet cool. The sky seems to be slightly reddish. I love this kind of weather. It is not too cold or hot. This is a gift of nature. Gifts are around us and sometimes inside us. Noticing small beautiful things may give big joys. This world is so beautiful, wonderful. Every moment is precious because it won’t come again. I think our ‘mind’ is the best gift in the life as it encourages us in letdowns, stimulating dreams and saves our memories thus helps us to not forgetting the past. We live with memories, breathe with memories and die with memories. Memories might be sweet and at times sad. Imagine one of your dear one dies. But is that all? Do you think your love ends with that? If death can make an end to love, then love will be no more in the world. Even after death of a person, you still love him or her. So how could it be possible? It is all because of the gift of your mind which is memories. Memories help you to make your future more efficient as you learnt a lot in your past and not forgetting them. Memories save your love. You only know the preciousness of them. They are the special gifts of your mind.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh Dreams

Today I got up with a cruel dream. A giant animal which I don’t know the name was chasing me in a dark forest. There was no one other than me. That had almost come near to me opening its reddish mouth. I had no choice other than going inside its reddish mouth. I sweated, panicked. Prayed all gods to help me and at that moment I had awaked and realized it was a thrilled dream. I wonder how this kind of a dream came to me. I didn’t watch any thrill movies this week. Sometimes dreams come for no reasons. You see a big bird and the same time you see a dog. At that night, an animal with wings and having a face similar to a dog’s face might come in your dream. You may wonder how this kind of an animal you didn’t even imagine came in to your dream. It is because our brain always tries to connect actions. Actions may have no correlations among them. But our mind tries to relate them. You see a friend in your dream. Next day that friend comes to your home. So you believe that friend came to your home because of the dream which you seen. It is not true. Scientists say there is no meaning for dreams. Dreams are kinds of imaginations which we unconsciously do. But this is all about the dreams which you see when you are in sleep. You may have day dreams. There are no special occasions for day dreams. They may come when you are sitting in a chair or when angering your manger or even when reading a newspaper etc. But they may become true. It is because day dreams become your ambitions. You want them to happen. Thus it leads you to work hard towards it. Have good dreams. Dreams may change your life. Dreams may give you the desire towards a target.

Friday, August 7, 2009

No fear

Let’s think of a situation where you were fear to do a work but after you started the work, you wondered how easy that work was. This happens often to us. We spend major part of life in thinking to do a new work or thinking to make a change. But we are fear to put it in practical. We ask ourselves ‘Will it be suitable for us?’ So the entire life ends with these kinds of doubts for most people. Finally they achieve nothing. Fear is such a desecrated feeling that doesn’t allow you to move forward. This makes you to sitting in the same chair after several years also and wonders why you didn’t change. Imagine you are planning to leave your current job which doesn’t give you much of benefits and starting your own business. But you are fear to take the entrepreneurship. You worry about what will happen to your future if the business looses its capital and closes down. So you just keep on postponing your idea. Do you think you will ever start business? This kind of fear pushes you to prevent changes towards progress. If you wish to do a work, just do it. Don’t be fear. The beginning stages of any change will be somewhat difficult. But later they get easier. If you are following a diet, fist week will be hard for you to continue it. At times you may find the hell in refusing chocolates and sweets. After few days it will be very easy and you will gain its own benefits.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Some thoughts


Good friends might not be with you
When you are happy
They will be there always
When you cry
to share your tears


Not just a brand, a lifestyle
Not a mere drink, representative of America
Not Angelina Julie
Youth are fans of me


An expert in destroying myself and you


Don’t search me anywhere
I am inside all of you


Follow me
Fight to achieve me
Don’t worry for those you loose
When trying to achieve me
Once you achieved
I will give meaning to your life

Monday, August 3, 2009

Successes behind business giants

What would be the key factor that determines the success of your enterprise? Is it promotion? Is it effective packaging? Or is it setting a high price for your product and thereby enjoying a huge amount of profit? You might be saying yes for all. But the most important task is positioning your brand properly and getting loyalty for it. Loyalty starts when your customers look for you only than any other. So your customers are loyal for you at any circumstance. They perceive you are the best comparing to all competitors. So at whatever the circumstances, you will have a group of people who always buy from you. But it is only suitable for some specific products. how do you do it? It is not an easy task. Let’s discuss about Mercedes Benz. Can you ever expect an upper class guy buying a Maruty? Mercedes Benz is used as a symbol of status. Simply that is positioning. The first thing is you must identify the key characteristic combined with your product and relate it with a psychological factor. For an example if it is a high cost product then you can relate it with status. Then your brand stands for that psychological factor. The people who like that psychological factor will obviously like your brand. But here the success starts when people prefer you than others who offer the same psychological benefit. There are thousands of companies that offer almost same products or services and benefits. But a very few of them are only remembered and given loyalty by people. So they have succeeded in what. This is what known as identifying the target customers. There are millions of people with different cultures and tastes. If you try to target all of them, will it be logical? You will end up with nothing. So firstly you should identify the target customers who are likely to buy your product. Secondly you should combine a psychological value. Finally make it more efficient by promotions and other value added services. In case if it gets loyalty, which will be your ultimate goal. But it is very hard to achieve. Brands such as coke, BMW and EBay had already done that and dominating the world.